Friday, December 1, 2017 where did November go?

It seems to have gone past rather quickly.   I intended to put up a post per month but it appears that November got away before I could peg anything on it....

Anyways, here I am at the start of December.  In a short while we'll be heading into the year-end party season, followed by New Years, and then the New Years party season.  Oh yeah, there's a friend's birthday in there somewhere too.

Last weekend was proceeded by a holiday on Thursday.  So I booked Friday and Saturday off and headed down to Tokyo.  The original goal was to take in a concert on Thursday night and then hook up with friends.  Things changed when I was asked if I'd like to attend a concert on Friday night.  So I ended up spending a bit more than I had expected to.  I'll go into details in a later post...if I get around to writing one up.

Upon my return home on Sunday evening, I dropped my stuff off at home,  took a nap, and then went out for dinner.  The next night I headed down to the local AEON Cinema to take in a movie.  The movie in question being "Chef".  It's a few years old and it was being screened as part of the company's "Past Works" program.

When I arrived at the ticket counter of the theatre I was greeted by a radically different sight.  The ticket counter is no more.  It has been replaced by several machines.  So the movie going experience in Japan is finally catching up to that in North America.  Or perhaps I should rephrase that as "the movie going experience in rural Japan".  I found it a touch ironic that the machine required a bit of coaxing to make it through a ticket purchase process.  It probably took as long as it took when one was dealing with a person.

Anyways, the movie was a good one.  I enjoyed the music and the story.  I didn't spend a lot of time worrying about trying to remember who the actors were.  Which is a bit of a contrast to one of the movies whose trailer was screened, the latest version of "Murder on the Orient Express"..... 

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