Monday, October 23, 2017

A Short Post

I was awoken this morning about 2 am by my iPhone going off with a klaxon sound.  Another J-Alert message.  As I turned to check my phone I groggily thought to myself, "What have the North Koreans done this time?".  As it turned out, the alert was a mudslide warning.  Our region was experiencing heavy rains thanks to Typhoon No. 21 which was skirting the eastern coast of Honshu in the vicinity of Fukushima and southern Miyagi prefectures.  These heavy rains had in turned increased the odds of mudslides taking place in the mountainous areas on the outskirts of town.

I checked the news at lunchtime and read an article about yesterday's general election.  Prime Minister Abe's side had won a "super majority" of two thirds of the seats in the lower house of Japan's Diet.  Ah...landslide...mudslide...interesting coincidence....

One more thing....Happy Halloween.  A bit early but heck, Halloween decorations have been up in stores since mid-September over here.  The stickers featured in the photo below are imports from Canada, courtesy of my mother and sister. (^_^)

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