Okay...the last time I saw "Oh My" as a product name it was...oh, never mind. ;)
I made a quick run down to the nearby Kimura supermarket today. I forgot that they don't sell Starbucks coffee there. I think it's sold at the Yamazawa supermarket. Then again, I could be wrong it might be Max which carries it. Maybe I should just have Michael buy me some whenever he goes up to Yamagata. Anyways, I came home with onions, ground pork, some peanut flavoured snack food and this pasta. As I had said in the description of the photo, perhaps I should've bought penne at Yamaya but the idea of there being Hello Kitty branded pasta was silly enough so I fell for it.
I suspect that Yonezawa's civic elections are coming up soon. I've heard a number of cars going around blaring away messages of some form or another. I think I heard one mention someone's name (it followed up with "Thank-you" and other pleasantries). I also saw a sign board near the Machi no Hiroba square which has spots for candidates to put up their posters. I'm a bit amused at the idea of late fall, early winter civic elections here...it'll be fun to see if voter turnout is related to the weather conditions on voting day. The more snow they have, the less voters they have(?).
For the record: I believe the iTunes Canada store has a better selection of content than the iTunes Japan store. There are no TV shows available on the iTunes Japan store. There are plenty of Western movies (subtitled in Japanese of course). And you can dig up some obscure Western artists on the Japanese side. I checked and found that they had three albums by Art Bergmann (former K-Tels/Young Canadians front man) on sale. I really have my doubts that there are any native Japanese who know who Art is (I've seen him in concert with both YC and his later band, Poisoned).
Enjoy your pop rocks, sir.
16 years ago
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