Had a good laugh at work today: We noticed that calls were being recorded for one of call centres where the call monitoring software is running but supposedly there are no calls being routed to its switch. Turns out there are calls being routed to it...and out of it. I looked at one such call in the list of monitored calls and I said to my co-worker "I bet you that's a call to our conference call number". He gave me this incredulous look as I clicked on the recording to play it back. Yes, it was a call to the conference bridge number ("Please enter your passcode followed by the number sign"). We're so easily entertained.
Missed getting a photo of all the firefighters milling around in their dress uniforms outside of a local firehall. I was going to take a shot when a bunch of cars turned in front of me obscuring my view. When I was ready to take the picture my camera shut itself down telling me its battery charge had run out. I was not happy about that....
Enjoy your pop rocks, sir.
16 years ago
Yeah, that's a real pain with cameras. Especially when it's a photo you really want to take too.
one of the reasons I am still leery of going to digital cameras.
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