I dropped in at a bar I sometimes visit a couple of nights ago. The purpose of the visit was to unwind a bit but also to apologize for the behaviour of one member of our party when we last visited the bar on Sunday night. "Not to worry" was more or less the response I got from the bar's owner.
At some point or another the bar's owner, Yasu-chan is what I usually call him, asked me about something. I didn't quite catch what he said and when he repeated it, I didn't quite comprehend. He did a quick search on his smartphone and pulled up a Youtube recording of something. He played it for me. I couldn't quite decipher the kanji but the sound was rather distressing. Then he explained what it was; it's the alarm sound to alert the population of a missile attack. I've attached a link to what was probably the Youtube recording my aquaintance pulled up and played for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wkc9iQdbbwk.
The gist of him bringing up the topic was the dream he had had that morning. He was out with his girlfriend for a walk in a park when his smartphone went off with that alarm. As it finished playing he looked up to the sky and said, "Oh look! There's a missile". That was when he awoke.
The rest of the conversation went on to topics such as whether or not Japan had an active defense against incoming missiles, whether combat aircraft from a US carrier stationed in the Sea of Japan would be able to counter a missile attack, and conjecture on how to intercept and shoot down a missile. There really wasn't any real conclusion to those discussions other than all we can do was hope for the best if we ever hear that dreadful sound....
Enjoy your pop rocks, sir.
16 years ago
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