Apologies for not posting here for a while. Been bothered by a sore throat for ages. It blossomed into an all out cold at the start of this month. Hasn't completely loosened its grip either.
Anyways.... Occasionally I come up with things which I think would make good material for a post here...only to have it escape my memory quickly. Right now I'm just a bit worn out. Spent most of today working on a script for a role playing exercise. The situation it covers is a meeting between some IT department folks and their project client representatives. Hardly thrilling stuff one supposes. Yet I've managed to spew out some lively banter. Not sure if the account manager will be happy with it. Hopefully it'll go over well. The humour might not go over well though. I have one character bravely saying he could write down the requirements for a project on a beer coaster in a matter of minutes. Another catty character then asks "Is that before or after you've drank the beer that was on the coaster?". I don't know. I just wanted to shake things up a bit. Otherwise the dialogue sounded a bit stiff. After all, I can't add in all the colourful profanity and other insane expressions I've had the pleasure of listening to in my previous profession.
Actually, the little business situation dialogues I've been busy coming up with for my lessons have been quite fun to write. It's always a challenge to come up with something realistic sounding in a field one knows little of...or remembers little of! I suppose I've been relatively successful. I had one student read a dialogue in class and he remarked "This is so realistic! It's just like our company.". Unfortunately, that dialogue took place in a fictional company where one would be inclined to question the competence of the employees. Hardly the kind of stuff I want to hear a student describe as realistic.
Other than that...can't get the song "Funiculì Funiculà" out of my head tonight. I tackled it tonight during a drink and karaoke session at one of my regular drinking spots. The inspiration for doing that...an AMV featuring clips from one of the shows in the "Girls und Panzer" franchise. I had stumbled across it this past weekend. Don't go looking for it...trust me....
Enjoy your pop rocks, sir.
16 years ago
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