A few months ago I received a postcard in the mail which advised me that it was time for me to renew my driver's licence. I don't recall how long my licence was valid for in Canada but over here in Japan it's three years. The renewal period was of two months length and it bracketed my birthday in July. Of interest was the section which mentioned where I could go to get the deed done: the choices being the Yamagata Traffic Safety Bureau up in Takadama (which is on the southern outskirts of Tendo city) or a local police station. Needless to say I chose the latter option. Takadama is about an hour and half drive north of Yonezawa and I wasn't quite keen on retracing my treks there, which were quite long when I went by train and bus, when I went through the procedure of exchanging my B.C. driver's licence for a Japanese one.
So I dutifully cycled to the local police station. The counter for processing driver's licence renewals was full front and centre upon entering the building. That was certainly convenient. Filling out the form wasn't as simple. A complication arose from the fact that my licence is not only registered in my full name in English, with a transcription in katakana, but I also have a Japanese version of my name (minus my English first name) inscribed on the reverse with the notation that it's my registered nickname/alias. So I was advised to write my name in both English and Japanese on the form. There obviously were some subtle nuances in the verbal instructions I was given because I didn't get it right until the third time.
Having overcome that obstacle, I paid the renewal fee and was then told that I had to attend some sort of session. I wasn't quite sure what as I didn't understand the term for it. But the gist of the next part was quite clear to me: the sessions are held monthly in Yonezawa due to the relatively smaller numbers of first time renewals. My options were mid-week days in mid-August or mid-September. I made a quick phone call to the office and found I could attend the August session on account of our Obon break. What followed was a routine eye examination and photo shoot. (Japanese eye exams are interesting: instead of having to read letters of various sizes, one has to look at circles of various sizes and announce which direction there is a break in the circle. A co-worker had no idea what it was he was looking at and started telling his examiner the names of fruit...yes, he thought he was looking at drawings of fruit!)
The session I attended is what I would describe as a traffic law and safety awareness lecture. One can't fail the session as there is no examination included in it. As one friend said "You just look at some books, watch a video and then you're done". Simple. In my case the presenter was a gentleman who introduced himself as Harada. He was an older fellow of not anywhere close to imposing size or height. Just a man whose demeanor was calm, deliberate and firm. His delivery wasn't quite fire and brimstone level but he certainly wasn't one whose authority was to be questioned. Early in the session he advised attendees that in the past they've had people come in who obviously were lacking sleep. Graciously he stated these individuals had worked graveyard shifts. The point being that if anyone was caught sleeping during this session they would be required to return at a later date to do it all over again.
What I was exposed to next was a myriad of recent updates to Japanese traffic laws. There was plenty of mention given to increased fines, increases in penalty points and...the only one change to interpretation of traffic signals (that being where one can make a U-turn in an intersection on a priority right hand turn signal). I found one of the statistics a touch unsettling: Yamagata isn't an excessively densely populated prefecture (it's a shade below the national average) yet on average there are about 90 traffic accidents a day(ibid). I certainly wondered where all the accidents were happening given that I've seen only one accident during the time I've spent so far in Yonezawa
Another portion of the presentation which had me puzzled afterwards was when Mr. Harada spoke about accidents at night. I don't remember all of the preamble but what stuck in my mind was his admonition that "Though shalt drive with high beams on at night". This pertained to accidents which happened because the drivers didn't have enough braking distance to avoid a collision when driving at night with low beams on. That makes sense when one remembers that it is possible to overrun the area illuminated by ones low beams even at moderate speeds. What popped into my mind later was the question "If their statistics show a higher frequency of accidents at night on poorly lit roads then shouldn't someone think about putting up more street lights?".
So after all that I am now in possession of blue coded Japanese driver's licence. That's not a cause for major celebration but it's nice to have it over and done with. Though it is amusing to pull out in response to the question "Can I see some ID?" when I'm back in Vancouver. Last winter was I asked to do so at a TD Canada Trust branch. The bank teller who asked was a bit stumped at first when faced with my Japanese driver's licence. "At least I can read your name on it" was her first response....
Enjoy your pop rocks, sir.
16 years ago
1 comment:
In Canada, at least in BC, it's 5 years between renewals of drivers licences. If you are new driver, you get an N and after 2 years, you have to take another test. As for the rest of us old folk, our knowledge of any changes to driving laws is about zero. I think that is a good idea to have a short update seminar at each renewal.
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