I had set my mind on going to the gym today by bicycle. But I managed to leave myself too little time to go there by that means and give myself sufficient time to complete my workout. So I ended up driving. Unlike yesterday, I didn't treat myself to a creme brule McFlurry. Instead I dropped in at the Gyosu Super and picked up some nuts, sauerkraut and made in India peanut butter. In my opinion the latter is comparable to Skippy or Kraft peanut butter.
While I was stopped at a light on the way home I glanced in my rear view mirror and took notice of the occupants of a mini-van behind my car. It wasn't the child bouncing around in the rear seat or the child seated in a child booster seat, which was mounted on the front passenger seat (I wonder if that is illegal back in B.C.?), which caught my attention. It was the height of the driver. It was a young woman and I could barely see her face over her dashboard. The top of her steering wheel was level with the middle of her nose. I thought to myself, "Well, she certainly has to be quite short".
A couple of blocks later I found myself waiting for a light in the right hand turn lane. The mini-van was to my left. I glanced over and saw why the woman looked so short...she was slouched down. Her seat was reclined back to the point that her headrest was behind the door pillar. I averted my eyes once the child in the booster seat caught sight of me. As luck would have it, the police weren't stopped at that corner holding their "Traffic Safety" banner. Though I doubt they would've batted an eyelash at the woman driving her mini-van in the same fashion as someone driving a high end sports car. I suppose they would've had their eyes out for worse offenders...of what sort I'm not sure though.
Enjoy your pop rocks, sir.
16 years ago
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