I think it was a trip to Hard-Off (yes, that is the name of the store) back in March that set off the events which led to a new refrigerator arriving on my doorstep today. I saw the price on a used fridge there and though that it was affordable. But there was a two-fold problem to deal with; getting it to my apartment and disposing of my old one. I did a bit of shopping and decided that a new unit was still affordable and delivery was included in the price. I got a 10% discount by paying for it with cash. Disposal and recycling fees were extra. It's not a big unit by anyone's standards with a volume of 118l which is equivalent to 4.1 cubic feet. But it's a good enough size for one person.
Other sundry stories:
On Saturday night I was telling some people the story I read about three drunk young men in Canada who came up with the great idea of stripping down and riding a shopping cart through an automated car wash. I've told the story to some of my students and the reactions have varied from laughs to bewilderment to incomprehension. Anyways, this time I told the story in Japanese (except I didn't know the Japanese word for "automated car wash" so I had to come up with a substitute which my audience understood) and was quite surprised when one person quickly blurted out "I'd like to do that!". Yes, she was a bit drunk too. Let's hope she doesn't carry through with that little bit of "cultural exchange" I gave her.
Another off the wall situation: I was teaching a class of three boys aged 11 & 12. The trio is made up of two brothers and a classmate of the older brother. I had asked the younger brother a question during a drill and one of the older boys just kept talking away. The boy I had asked the question of got annoyed with that and told him "Shut up!". That had me floored. I can honestly say I have not taught those boys that phrase. So where he picked it up I have no idea.
Enjoy your pop rocks, sir.
16 years ago
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