Alright, I did the math and I'm not sure what to make of the result. I bought two steaks today for ¥400 each. I checked the packages and they weigh about 10oz. Using an exchange rate of ¥75 per C$1 I calculated that they cost $8.53/lb or close to $18.77/kg. Checking the label I believe they're rib eye steaks. Having gotten this far I have no idea if that's a good price or not anymore.
Carrying on with the food theme: I was thinking of making a baked dessert for the upcoming office potluck Christmas dinner. Then I remembered I don't have an oven. So I think I'll make chili con carne. Or maybe I should make something which will definitely raise some eyebrows: SPAM musubi. I know of a store in town that sells SPAM. Hmmm...maybe that'll be my contribution. That or a ramen salad. If I'm going to make that I need to bug my sister for her recipe.
One thing I haven't had a chance to do this past week is head over to Yamaya and see if they sell long grain rice. If I get really lucky they might sell basmati rice. I bought some vindaloo curry mix there last month so I figure there's a small chance they do sell long grain rice. But I don't know if I'm desperate enough to use something like Uncle Ben's instant rice if that's all they sell.
One thing I haven't bought much of since I've arrived is bread. The simplest explanation is that I don't have anything to make toast with. I suppose I'll have to invest in a toaster oven sometime or another. I saw that I've inherited a stove top toaster grill pan but Michael told me that Zubeda found out that the gas range has a sensor which detects if what you have sitting on it is overheating. It gives a beeping warning and he says she told him it would then shut itself off. I suppose I could try out the grill pan and see if I have a bit more luck with it. Which leads me to the next problem...trying to find something other than bleached white bread. I've heard you can get bagels so I suppose there is a small chance that one can get brown bread (rye, sourdough, and whole wheat are probably out of the question).
Anyways...enough talk about food for now...
Enjoy your pop rocks, sir.
16 years ago
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