Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Firsts...So Far

First time so far for...
1) Watching someone driving a Subaru mini-sedan run a red light and make a right turn.  That takes nerve...trust me.
2) Seeing a live "wild" praying mantis...see my previous blog.
3) Coming up 500yen short to pay for groceries...Oops!  The fellow looked at what I had selected and said "I guess you're making curry tonight".  Thus the milk and bananas were jettisoned.
4) First taste of Kirin's "Aki Aji"(sic) seasonal beer.  It's sort of like a red ale, a'la Rickard's Red.  Not bad.  I was going to grab the tall can but this "conbini" was selling Yebisu beer so I grabbed a can of that too.  First time I had come across Yebisu in this town.
5) So far I'm surviving my first round of teaching kids.  First class was total anarchy.  Will need to tighten that one up.  The others were okay.  Will need more materials to keep them interested.  Eg: Flyers with pics of food to cut up and paste when teaching names of food, etc.
6) Came across a sign saying that a particular intersection was a location used in the movie "Swing Girls".  Click on the link to watch the bit of the movie which starts off at that intersection: Watch it on YouTube

That's it for now...Need to review lesson plans.  ^_^

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