Yes, that is a jar of Vegemite. Pay no attention to the TimTams!
About ten days ago I received a package from Australia. A friend from "down under" had most generously sent me some Aussie goodies featuring a jar of Vegemite. Yes, that's right. Vegemite. I'd hazard to say that for most North Americans the stuff is looked upon aghast or with scorn. I have a friend in Canada who was originally born in Australia, though you wouldn't be able to suss that out today given his flat North American English accent, and his comment about Vegemite was, "I can't believe I once liked that stuff!". Or something to that effect....
I remember the circumstances when I first tasted Vegemite during my visit to Australia back in 2011. I was cautioned against putting a thick layer of it on a cracker and so went with a much thinner application. My initial reaction was interesting. I immediately noticed how salty and bitter its taste was. Having had a taste, that was the last of it I had until after the arrival of the above package.
The day after the package arrived, I made toast, cut it into six pieces, and packed it in a plastic container. I took the toast and the jar of Vegemite to work. Heck, if I was going to crack open that jar then I wanted company...or at least witnesses.
The reactions to the sight of the jar were along the lines of the expected "What IS that?" kind of looks and questions. One student had been in England on a home stay so she was familiar with Marmite. She was kind of excited to see the jar of Vegemite. The others were decidedly more reserved and cautious.
The tasting session was interesting. The first two tasters included the "veteran". She was reasonably happy with the taste. The other was somewhat bemused and quickly remarked about the salty taste. The next student tried to jam out by tearing a piece of toast and asking for just a dab on a half. I didn't let him get away with that. He got a full piece. The last student...whoa! I really wish I had caught her reaction in a photograph. Her mouth puckered up and she squinted really hard. The taste was obviously something far out of her realm of appealing food tastes.
Since that day I've been working my way through the jar at a not quite slow but certainly not fast pace. The "OMG" reaction to the taste of Vegemite is gone. Yes, it is salty and a touch bitter, too. But what lingers is a taste I couldn't quite put my finger on. Then I checked the Wikipedia entry for Vegemite. Aw! There it was. Umami. That's the taste which makes me go back for more Vegemite....