...As in, it's January 23rd already? Where did the time go? Nonetheless....
We haven't had much snow this winter. Like last year, we didn't have a white Xmas. There was less snow on the ground this year on New Year's eve in comparison to the previous one. By the next week it had all melted off. Then we got hit by a big on one January 13th....
We've had a few snow flurries since then but not enough to compensate for the melt which has been gradually going on. Last night I noticed the snow banks of snow cleared off the streets was less than knee high. Significantly less than what was there on the 16th....
Last night I was out with a friend and we were talking about the upcoming annual Snow Lantern Festival. I wondered out loud if there was going to be any snow left by the time of the festival which is usually the first weekend in February. She said that there were some concerns since this year's festival is the 40th edition. Not only does the city need a good amount of snow to impress visitors but they have some unique projects in store. One of them is a snow maze. I'm guessing it'll be on the scale of the corn field mazes which can be found in North America. Perhaps it'll match those ones in the height of the walls of the maze but probably not in the area it will cover...if there's enough snow to go around.
This morning I looked outside to discover a pleasant surprise. We had had a decent amount of snow fall last night. Almost a case of "Ask and ye shall receive". Hopefully this will keep up until February....
Post script: When I logged onto Blogger today I was required to go through an ID verification process. It involved receiving a text message. A cute way for Google to collect ones phone number by forcing you to hand it over.
Enjoy your pop rocks, sir.
16 years ago