Sunday, March 27, 2011

Candle light for Earth Hour 2011

I turned off the lights and lit the candles...but my iMac remained lit because I was downloading some stuff. If finally went into sleep mode after about 15-20 minutes.

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 20, 2011 - A Day in the Life of....

March 20 2011 - #1 by d.yaro
March 20 2011 - #1 a photo by d.yaro on Flickr.

Today was a "A Day in the Life of..." day as per a Flickr group I check in on once in a blue moon. I simply went about and captured a bunch of images which don't necessarily tell a story about the day. Nothing fancy. Some of the images are a bit whimsical. Others are attempts at capturing what seemed to be unusual or interesting. The set of photographs which I've uploaded and made public are here:


Friday, March 18, 2011

"Free Libya"

"Free Libya" by d.yaro
"Free Libya" a photo by d.yaro on Flickr.

I saw a headline somewhere today saying that the UN Security Council had approved a "No fly zone" over Libya. That'll be welcome news for these protesters.