As of the night of April 19th this boat was still onshore at Kits Beach in Vancouver. It, and three other boats, was driven ashore by a wind storm on the night of April 7th/8th. They dug out the sand around the keel of the boat I photographed here but it still had yet to get afloat. All it did was heel over to its starboard side and plant its keel deeper into the sand. I think it's going to take an extreme high tide to get this one floated off the beach...
Articles posted on the CBC website about this incident are here: /2010/04/08/bc-wi... & /2010/04/08/bc-ki...
The four boats are/were:
"Ad Astra" - catamaran or trimaran broken up on the beach April 9th.
"Karanga-lita" - white hulled boat floated off the beach the next week.
"Tuesday Sunrise" - blue hull with yellow trim. An boater ran his boat aground at Kits Beach on April 16th thinking that the TS was in "distress". Still on the beach on April 18th.
"Gini 2" - White hull and wood deck. Dis masted as of April 18th. Presumed to be abandoned.
Enjoy your pop rocks, sir.
16 years ago