The joys of modern technology...and its mismanagement. I was on the phone with my ISP's tech support group for about 20 minutes trying to work through their labyrinthine maze of hoops to get back access to their self management page for my internet account. They had changed their system but didn't convert their accounts. Oh joy. Well, at least I got it done relatively quickly. But not quicker than the amount of time it took me to ride the new Canada Line from the Vancouver Centre station to the Broadway & Cambie station. The new line is quite neat...and yet kind of funny. Compared to the subway systems I've rode on elsewhere the Vancouver system is like...a dinky toy. And I almost laughed out loud when riding the train and overhearing the staff member reporting back to "Control" to say that the train was full. It wasn't, not even by Vancouver standards. No part of my body was in direct contact with that of any other passenger. It was a far cry from the experience I had on the Metro in Manila. There we were packed on board like sardines.
Anyways...Here's hoping the blog link in Flickr stays working. It went south over the winter and I never bothered setting it back up again until now. Keeping fingers crossed.